Sunday 26 March 2017

Super Hero

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Today Jeremiah was our Super Hero. He was focusing so well on his learning  in Reading. We had so much in reading together. SUPER work Jeremiah!

Friday 24 March 2017

My Puppet

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Here is a picture of Jeremiah and his puppet. Te Kakano made puppets for Friday Surprise Day and our Whakangahau. We had to think about all the parts our puppets would need. We also had to show persistence to make sure the parts stayed on and looked how we planned it. 

"My puppet has hair on top of the eyes. The hair snakes next to the eyes? It looks like a rainbow because they go around the eyes."

I Am An Author

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I am an author.  I have been writing words from my word card carefully into my write to self book.  I am sharing my writing with the class.

Comparing Houses

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On our Friday Surprise Day we have been looking at a variety of houses and what makes them similiar and what makes them different.  Our buddy and I made a house out of playdough.  We didn't peek at our buddies house while we created them but when we finished we compared our houses.
"Our houses are the same because they both have a swimming pool but Jared's pool is bigger. The houses both have chimneys. Jared's house has poles on the roof to support the house. Jeremiah's roof is flat and Jared's roof is round. That is different.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Working On My Writing Goal

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Jeremiah has been working hard on his writing goal. He has learnt to hold a pencil or pen correctly. 
Great work!